Glueckert Funeral Home invites the Community to participate and share.
Why 2155?
We're displaying 2155 ribbons, one representing life the Illinois Department of Public Health projects will be lost this year to accidental overdose.
From August 27-31, 2018, the Glueckert Funeral Home staff will band together with advocates from across Illinois to train 2155 people in opioid abuse awareness, overdose prevention, and reversal strategies including the use of naloxone. Naloxone is an opioid antagonist medication that can be used to rapidly reverse an opioid overdose. It can quickly restore breathing, brain function, and save the life of a person experiencing an opioid overdose. Naloxone can be administered by a nasal spray or an injection. It is legal in Illinois for non-medical professionals to administer naloxone to an individual experiencing an opioid overdose. Naloxone is widely used by first responders as well as community members throughout Illinois. Adults successfully completing training will receive a free overdose prevention kit provided by Live 4 Lali.
Training Classes in administering Naloxone, to reverse Opioid Overdose and give a person a second chance:
Training at Glueckert Funeral Home, 1520 N. Arlington Heights Rd
Monday 8/27 thru Thursday 8/30. Two classes daily: 11 am and 6 pm. No appointment necessary. No cost. All are Welcome!
Friday 8/31: Training Classes at 9 am, 11 am, 3:30 pm & 6 pm. No appointment necessary. No cost. All are Welcome!
It is legal in Illinois for non-medical professionals to administer naloxone to an individual experiencing an opioid overdose. Naloxone is widely used by first responders as well as community members throughout Illinois. Illinois has a statewide standing order for naloxone, which allows pharmacies and other organizations to dispense/provide naloxone to individuals at risk for opioid overdose, their friends/family, and other members of the general public, without the need for a prescription.
“KEEP ALIVE 2155!”

International Overdose Awareness Day Candlelight Vigil
There will be a candlelight vigil on Friday, Aug 31st. from 5:30 - 7:30 pm at Lake Arlington 2201 N. Windsor Drive Arlington Heights, IL 60004 to remember local lives lost to an accidental drug overdose. Connect with surviving families, and acquire free naloxone.

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