Alcohol-Related Disparities Among Women: Evidence and Potential Explanations Alcohol Research: Current Reviews

They don’t have as much control over these regions of their brain. They’re not going to delay their decision for a larger prize at a later date. It’s essential to know the signs of alcoholism in women if you suspect someone you love is in trouble. There are an estimated 15 million individuals living with […]

Is Cocaine Addictive? How & Why Cocaine Is Addictive

Behavioral therapies are often the only available effective treatment for many drug use problems, including cocaine use. In the 1960s, illicit cocaine use rebounded, and by the late 1970s, the drug had become popular among middle- and upper-middle-class Americans. By the mid-1980s, researchers found widespread evidence of physiological and psychological problems among cocaine users, with […]

All the News Thats Fit: Alcohols cancer risks, brainiac dreams and cooking with kudzu

The anxiety and inhibition-lowering properties are often seen as a positive side effect of alcohol, but alcohol comes with a long list of negative side effects. The United States does not observe an Alcohol Awareness Week, but the United Kingdom (UK) does. In the UK, Alcohol Awareness Week is coordinated by an organization called Alcohol […]

Alcoholism: Causes, Risk Factors, and Symptoms

Twelve-step groups, like Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) and other support approaches, can provide solidarity and emotional support through AUD recovery. ACT could help people with AUD acknowledge and work through challenging emotions instead of blocking them out. It might help if you developed AUD by using alcohol to suppress painful emotions and memories. As far back […]